adoptive family

Our Hearts Connect for Birth Families

Meet Our Hearts Connect – the perfect solution for birth families in open adoption and foster care scenarios. Keeping in touch securely has never been easier. Our web app lets you communicate worry-free, where you can watch your child grow! Much like other social media platforms, you can share images, videos and stories with loved ones! However, with our app, it’s all private and secure environment, only seen by members of your group. Stay involved and connected with Our Hearts Connect. 

Finding Family Groups

If your biological child or his/her parents are already part of Our Hearts Connect, we highly recommend joining their family group. This enables you to maintain connections with your birth family and engage in valuable discussions and exchanges. Just send a request to join their group, and we’ll handle the process to guarantee a smooth integration for you.

Secure and Supportive Environment

Ensuring your safety and well-being is our utmost priority here at Our Hearts Connect. Our platform is meticulously designed to provide a safe haven for you to stay connected with your family members. Guided by experienced professionals who understand the complexities of adoption, you’ll find support every step of the way. Join Our Hearts Connect today to embark on a journey of self-discovery, connection, and belonging. 

Get Our Hearts Connect
for your Family